
Learning Tower 3in1 - MK1

The 3in1  educational tower MK1 is a versatile piece of furniture that has been developed especially for children. It serves as a combination of an educational tower, a seat and table for playing and eating, and as a chalk drawing board.

Learning tower feature:

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The learning tower 3in1 MK1 has been designed in such a way that children can safely stand in it and participate on higher surfaces, such as the kitchen counter, dining table or bathroom sink. It has a stable platform on which the child can stand and you can buy additional protection to protect the child from falling out.

Seat function with table/desk:

learning tower 3in1, lernturm 3in1, tour d'observation 3en1, desk for a child, Schreibtisch für ein Kind, Bureau pour un enfant,

In addition, the learning tower 3in1 MK1 can be used as a seat with a table / desk. The platform can be unfolded into a table with a seat that can be used as a desk, a place to eat for a child. The child can use the kitchen helper to play, draw or do manual work.

Chalk drawing board function:

kitchen helper 3in1, learning tower 3in1

Another advantage of the learning tower 3in1 MK1 is the ability to draw with chalk. The child can draw whatever he wants, he can learn letters and numbers. After finishing the drawing game, just wipe it off with a damp cloth and the child can continue to work.

The learning tower 3in1 MK1 is a great investment for parents who want their children to be independent and actively participate in everyday life.

kitchen helper

Learning Tower 3in1 - MK1

€ 159

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